I’m familiar with both PostgreSQL and Riak (1.4, not 2.0). 
I know that Riak 2.0 now offers strong consistency. Have not yet seen what that 
does to performance. 
Big plusses for PostgreSQL:
  - you can do both relational and NOSQL tasks (the Binary JSON in the latest 
  - well-tested consistency, ACID, etc.
  - lots of adapters and support. 
  - big community

Big plusses for Riak:
 - multi-master replication
 - multi-data center replication
 - easy to scale up

We use PostgreSQL in combination with Riak for data storage (we have a 
tokenization service). 
We're currently using the EnterpriseDB multi-master PostgreSQL replication and 
are quite happy with it. 
The replication runs periodically, not streaming, so there is at least a 1 
second delay for replication to occur. 
Riak replicates quicker — but then you don’t have the strong relational 
structure on top. 

As mentioned earlier, ‘exchange…trade…asset’ is a bit vague. 
In addition to just storing things, you’ll need to keep track of all sorts of 
log-in and contact info — perhaps not ideal for Riak. 
Probably best to consider precisely what traits your planned application has 
and then look to match against the database storage. 
May even end up with a mix of the two just as we have. 

Your decision may also depend on which development language/framework you chose 
for the implementation. 


> On Jan 5, 2015, at 11:37 AM, xu xiut <xiut...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, I am looking at creating a toy project which may turn into an actual 
> business if I'm lucky, the ideal is generally just an exchange for people to 
> trade some type of asset.
> I'm looking at using either PostgreSQL or Riak, and I'm wondering if there 
> are opinions and suggestions that someone would be willing to share with me 
> when evaluating databases.
> This is the first time I've actually considered something besides PostgreSQL. 
> Riak 2.0 now offers strong consistency and I really respect the community and 
> the work that has gone into the project. It seems like it would be easy to 
> replicate across multiple data centers.
> Thanks for letting me ask this here!

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