On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 5:41 PM, Ronald Peterson <r...@hub.yellowbank.com> 
> Thanks much.  Didn't know about LATERAL.  That's a solution.  Seems like the
> implementation could be improved though.  The existence of LATERAL seems to
> imply that it's possible.  Why introduce more complicated syntax?  Of course
> the syntax applies to more situations than this one.  But this case seems
> like it could be improved.

Well, LATERAL is SQL standard syntax, and the SQL standard expressly
forbids using 'lateral refrences' between table expressions (see here:
http://rhaas.blogspot.com/2010/04/finding-our-way-to-lateral.html for
some background info).  As to why they did it, I don't know, but
there' probably some complicated reason where not having that syntax
broke or made ambiguous existing stuff.  Given that, it's not likely
to change.


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