Yeah, I think that would be problematic. All other sql query applications
I've used in the past with autocomplete seem to parse the entire query and
find table references for autocompletion based on the whole query, whereas
psql seems to typically base autocomplete off of the current cursor
location and strings behind it without any lookaheads (as far as I can tell
-- I only took a brief look, and it's been a long time since I've had to
write C code).

I suppose what I would really be looking for is something like the vastly
simplified query below, where pressing Ctrl+Space after each "a." would
provide a list of columns only for the table alias.

  public.a_table_for_querying a

It looks like that would take a fairly significant bit of work/overhaul to
make the autocomplete parser look at the entire query to find a list of
used tables, and then find the list of available columns based on that, if
I'm reading the code correctly.

I agree with that last sentiment, though -- I don't think a list of every
column from every table would be very helpful.

Dave Lesage
*Club **Speed, Inc.*
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On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Tom Lane-2 [via PostgreSQL] <> wrote:

> dvlsg <[hidden email]
> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=5832576&i=0>> writes:
> > I have been having issues with autocomplete in pgAdmin. After some
> searching,
> > I found it was my mistake and that pgAdmin doesn't actually support
> column
> > autocompletion in select statements. I found that pgAdmin uses the
> > autocomplete code directly from psql's tab-complete.c, which contains
> these
> > comments in the current version starting on line 3387:
> > /* SELECT */
> >    /* naah . . . */
> > Is there any talk of this functionality being added in the future?
> No.  What would the autocompletion be based on?  You don't know any
> referenced table names at that point, for instance.
> > I find it
> > a bit disappointing that other applications such as HeidiSQL can
> > autocomplete column names from tables/aliases/etc, but pgAdmin cannot.
> The only algorithm I can imagine using would be to autocomplete every
> column and function name existing in the database.  While this might be
> helpful in toy databases, it's hard to imagine it being very convenient,
> or performant, in real-world situations.
>                         regards, tom lane
> --
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