> Getting back to my original point - you pointed out that for queries that
> need a decent % of the table it will be cheaper to do a scan, which is
> exactly what the query planner does for the relational version. If it only
> needs a small % of the values it looks at the index and for a large % it
> goes for a scan (it also puts everything in shared buffers and is
> lightening quick!). Is this just a lack of maturity in the jsonb planner or
> am I missing something?

​Hi Anton,

Good selectivity estimators exists only for the scalar data types.
For the complex data types such as json/jsonb introducing a reasonable
selectivity estimator is very complicated task, so database could only
guess in this cases.
In your case the database guessed amount of returned rows with 3 order of
magnitude error (estimated 3716 rows, actually 1417152 rows).
Personally, I don't expect serious progress in json/jsonb selectivity
estimators in short future, so better to avoid using a low-selectivity
queries against indexed json/jsonb fields.


Maxim Boguk
Senior Postgresql DBA
http://www.postgresql-consulting.ru/ <http://www.postgresql-consulting.com/>

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Phone AU: +61 45 218 5678

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If people cannot solve the problem, try technology.
People will then wish they'd listened at the first stage."

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