On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 3:02 PM, Robert DiFalco <robert.difa...@gmail.com>

> Is the intersect any better than what I originally showed? On the ROW
> approach, I'm not sure where the context for that is coming from since it
> may not be in the intersection. Consider n1 and n2 are NOT friends but they
> have >0 mutual friends between them.
​The INTERSECT is a lot more direct about finding mutual friends.  The
ROW() = ROW() piece is independent of the mutual friends question - it
should be put in a WHERE clause and you can test whether a row is returned
which, if one is, means the two people are friends.​

​"One Query" does not mean you need to do everything​ all-at-once.  I
suggest you make use of CTEs (WITH) subqueries for each distinct
calculation you need then join all of the CTE items together in a final
query the outputs the data in the format desired.

David J.

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