Luca Ferrari <> writes:
> I'm trying to compile 9.3.5 from ports on FreeBSD 10.1-release with
> dtrace enabled.
> It was a long time ago I looked at dtrace + PostgreSQL + FreeBSD (see
> [1], [2]), so I'm not updated on how far it got.
> The problem I have in compilation is as follows:

> dtrace -C -h -s probes.d -o probes.h.tmp
> dtrace: failed to compile script probes.d: "/usr/lib/dtrace/ip.d",
> line 2: type redeclared: struct devinfo
> Makefile:38: recipe for target 'probes.h' failed
> gmake[3]: *** [probes.h] Error 1

There's nothing about either ip.d or struct devinfo in our probes.d,
so this looks like there's something broken about your dtrace
installation.  Either that or we need to give more/different switches
to dtrace to get it to work on FreeBSD.  AFAIK, our dtrace support
has only really been tested on Solaris and OS X, so it wouldn't be that
surprising if more adjustments are needed to make it work elsewhere.

If you want to push on this I think you'll need to find a BSD dtrace
expert.  You shouldn't need to show him/her much except the above
dtrace invocation and the probes.d file.

                        regards, tom lane

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