Edson Richter <edsonrich...@hotmail.com> writes:
> I do have two servers running 9.3.5.
> One server is CentOS 6.5 x64 with all updates.
> The other server is Ubuntu 14.04-1 x64 with all updates.
> Both run PostgreSQL 9.3.5 x64 - one installed using YUM, other with APT.

> When I compare source code of the same view, I get the following 
> differences:

> *_On "Ubuntu" server:_*

> ( ( ( ( select
>      e.id,
>      e.nome as "empresa",
>      '1. nfe'::text as "tipo",
>      ( select sum(arquivosimportados.contasucesso) as sum

> _*On CentOS server:*_

> select
>      e.id,
>      e.nome as "empresa",
>      '1. nfe'::text as "tipo",
>      ( select sum(arquivosimportados.contasucesso) as sum

> Why does the same CREATE VIEW statement result in different source codes 
> in the server side?

You've not shown us the whole output, but is this the first select
in a UNION (or INTERSECT or EXCEPT) nest?  If so, I'll bet a nickel
that that Ubuntu server is not actually running 9.3.5; try
"select version()" to confirm.  The CentOS server is returning what
I'd expect after commit 0652d77fb067137be22dc3e42aa60bffa26726ac.

                        regards, tom lane

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