On 12/04/2014 03:08 AM, M Tarkeshwar Rao wrote:
We performed the following actions to recover
1. Restart the DB
2. Rebuild the index
3. Vacume the index
mgrdb=# select count(*) from mm_activealarm;
ERROR: missing chunk number 0 for toast value 54787 in pg_toast_2619
mgrdb=# REINDEX table pg_toast.pg_toast_2619;
mgrdb=# VACUUM ANALYZE mm_activealarm;
mgrdb=# commit;
WARNING: there is no transaction in progress
mgrdb=# select count(*) from mm_activealarm;
ERROR: missing chunk number 0 for toast value 54787 in pg_toast_2619
4. Finally we drop the MM_ActiveAlarm table.and recreated it
5. Still after that we were not able to see the column
even after recreating the table with columns there are no columns present in
table itself
I am not following. There was no data in the column or the actual column
did not exist?
Also you say column(s) in the above so was more than one column missing?
What was the data type(s) of the missing columns?
So for example:
DROP some_table;
CREATE TABLE some_table (id serial, fld_1 int, fld_2 varchar, fld_3
When you did a \d some_table you did not see an entry for, say fld_3?
Can you please suggest more on this ?
Adrian Klaver
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