On Oct 10, 2014, at 1:27 PM, Leonardo M. Ramé <l.r...@griensu.com> wrote:

> Hi, today I needed to re-create certain records deleted from a mysql 
> database, so I restored an old backup, opened a terminal and logged in to the 
> old database using the "mysql" command line utility, then opened a new 
> terminal with mysql connected to the production database. Then did a "select 
> * from table where id=xxx \G;" to display a record, then, on the other 
> terminal I had to write "insert into table(field1, field2,...,fieldN) 
> values(...);" for each record.
> While doing that I tought of a neat feature that psql could provide, that is 
> something like "\insert for select * from table where id=xxx;" this should 
> create the insert command for the requested query.

You can do something like given below:
CREATE TABLE temp_generate_inserts AS SELECT * FROM table id=xx
Then use pg_dump --column-inserts  -t temp_generate_inserts db1|psql db2
and later you can drop temp_generate_inserts table.

With this you can also explore dblink_build_sql_insert function which comes 
with dblink module:

Thanks & Regards,
Vibhor Kumar
(EDB) EnterpriseDB Corporation
The Postgres Database Company

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