I have an idea that might help
I found ODBC to be very slow for importing data
So I wrote a program in C that reads in dump files of SQL text on the Linux
server itself
E.G. first line is a create table, next lines are all the insert's
This is very fast, 80mb of data in about 15 minutes
Only problem is the text files need to be formatted a bit specially
If you can write a program in say VB to create the text files (one per
it could work.
If you are interested I could forward my C program and Foxpro prg that
creates the text files that
you could convert to VB


"Steve O'Hagan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 26/02/2001

cc:    (bcc: Martin Chantler/CIMG/CVG)
Subject:  [GENERAL] Migrate from MS SQL 6.5 to postgres??

Any utilities around which would ease the pain involved in migrating an m$
sql6.5 database running on WinNT box to postgres running on a Linux box??

If no such utilities around - any advice on strategy to adopt??

Steve O'Hagan


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