On 19/09/2014 4:30 AM, Szymon Guz wrote:
I think all people here agree that adding another package to linux repository or an option to windows installer is OK. What some people disagree here is adding jre to the core postgres.

So we're in agreement.

Oh, and btw, I've got a package named postgresql-9.3-pljava-gcj in my linux repo.

Good to know, but for now I'm developing primarily on Windows machines.

    If there is a programmer who cannot install jvm/jdk on its own
    (which is a couple of clicks on windows and linux) then I'm sure
    that writing stored procerures in java will be even too difficult.

    Installing a public JVM is easy. Binding it to pl/java is not. By
    bundling a private JRE we control the default installation path
    and can therefore pre-configure pl/java to look for it in that

The best solution would be to make different languages, like pljava6, pljava7, pljava8, with library path configured in the create extension command. This way we could use different jvms and library versions for each database.

That's fine with me.

    I'm not taking this option away from you. Power users can still do
    what they want. I'm just trying to facilitate deployment users who
    are fine with the default/typical configuration.

So in fact you propose to create another option in the windows installer only, right?



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