if you are using postgis and postgis_topology,
there are specific backup/restore process.

2014-09-11 12:49 GMT+02:00 Iain Mott <m...@reverberant.com>:

> Hello,
> The server for my websites was recently changed and upgraded. I have ssh
> access to the server and since the upgrade I am no longer able to use
> "pg_dump" to perform scripted backups. I've written to the site's
> support services, but until now, they've not been able to help (they've
> responded saying they will likely need to refer the case on to a
> developer - I don't  have any guarantees that it will be resolved).
> I've googled for this - but didn't come up with any relevant solutions.
> Can someone on this list please make suggestions that I can pass on to
> the technical support?
> Here's what happens (the important error messages are in English):
> [~]# pg_dump mydatabase > dump.sql
> Senha:
> pg_dump: comando SQL falhou
> pg_dump: Mensagem de erro do servidor: ERROR:  permission denied for
> schema topology
> pg_dump: O comando foi: LOCK TABLE topology.topology IN ACCESS SHARE MODE
> ---------------
> I am able to perform dumps of the databases via phpPdAdmin in the
> "cpanel" of the server, but this is going very inconvenient - hoping to
> use pg_dump
> Thanks,
> --
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