Cal Heldenbrand wrote
> explain analyze select time,event from logins
>   where username='bob' and hash='1234' and time in (
>     select array_agg(series)
>     from generate_series(current_date - interval '3 days', current_date,
> interval '1 day')
>     as u(series)
>   );
> ERROR: operator does not exist: timestamp without time zone = timestamp
> without time zone[]
> explain analyze select time,event from logins

Probably doesn't help but the above would have to be written:

WHERE time = ANY(
SELECT array_agg(...) FROM ...

I don't know whether the planner is smart enough to optimize on "= ANY()" -
whether statically generated or determined at runtime.

I am pretty sure that constraint exclusion must be done during the planning
stages and that you have to pass in a literal set of values (or an array)
that you generate in a previous query.

David J.

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