On 09/03/2014 07:17 PM, Kevin Goess wrote:

Debian squeeze, still on 2.6.32.

Interesting. Unfortunately that kernel suffers from the newer task scheduler they added to 3.2, and I doubt much of the fixes have been back-ported. I don't know if that affects the memory handling, but it might.

Darn, really? I just learned about the "mysql swap insanity" problem and
noticed that all the free memory is concentrated on one of the two nodes.

$ numactl --hardware
available: 2 nodes (0-1)
node 0 cpus: 0 2 4 6
node 0 size: 32768 MB
node 0 free: 9105 MB
node 1 cpus: 1 3 5 7
node 1 size: 32755 MB
node 1 free: 259 MB

And that's the kind of behavior we were seeing until we upgraded to 3.8. A 8GB gap between your nodes is definitely bad, but it's not the same thing they described in the MySQL swap insanity posts. MySQL has a much bigger internal cache than we do, so expects a good proportion of system memory. It's not uncommon for dedicated MySQL systems to have more than 75% of system memory dedicated to database use. Without NUMA interleaving, that's a recipe for a broken system.

$ free
              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:      66099280   56565804    9533476          0      11548   51788624

And again, this is what we started seeing with 3.2 when we upgraded initially. Unfortunately it looks like at least one of the bad memory aging patches got backported to the kernel you're using. If everything were working properly, that excess 9GB would be in your cache.

Check /proc/meminfo for a better breakdown of how the memory is being used. This should work:

grep -A1 Active /proc/meminfo

I suspect your inactive file cache is larger than the active set, suggesting an overly aggressive memory manager.

Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse, LLC | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 800 | Chicago IL, 60604


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