David G Johnston <david.g.johns...@gmail.com> writes:
>> On 09/01/2014 08:05 PM, Philip Rhoades wrote:
>>> I have a table with a field that has up to 1,000 chars in it, when I
>>> look at it with psql it only displays about 200 chars with a "&hellip;"
>>> on the end of the string.

> I presume what you are seeing is effectively: "this is some really long
> con..." where the content is truncated and replaced a final trailing three
> periods (possible actual ellipses)
> Also, are you sure you are not sending this to a pager?

Yeah, it's pretty hard to credit this happening in a vanilla
configuration.  I suspect that Philip either has some nondefault
\pset option selected, or is sending his output to a pager program
that thinks that the ellipsis is a good idea.

For starters, try "\pset pager off" and see if you still see the
ellipsis after that.  If so, we'll need some more info about exactly
which PG version you're using and with what \pset options.  If you
have a ~/.psqlrc file, that's probably what's setting nondefault options.

                        regards, tom lane

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