Arnaud Lesauvage <> writes:
> Le 1/09/2014 17:39, Tom Lane a écrit :
>> Not necessarily.  \d will match any character that iswdigit() returns true
>> for.  It looks like your new server is using a locale that considers "²"
>> to be a digit.

> Since both PostgreSQL servers run on the same computer, can I assume 
> that this is a collation problem ?

Ah: after consulting the commit history I realized that the regex
operators only base \d on iswdigit() in 9.2 and later.  Before that
it was hardwired as [0-9].  So there might not be any difference
in the locale environment after all.

I wonder whether this was a bad idea.  I think it's unsurprising for the
definition of "alphanumeric" to depend on locale, but I bet most people
are not expecting \d to vary that way.

                        regards, tom lane

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