On 08/25/2014 06:05 PM, Huang, Suya wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Klaver [mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com]
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 11:42 PM
To: Huang, Suya; pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] how to query against nested hstore data type

On 08/24/2014 07:05 PM, Huang, Suya wrote:

It's my test DB, the version is PostgreSQL 9.4beta2. I'm testing with
nested hstore feature.

testdb=# \d+ test

                           Table "public.test"

Column |  Type  | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target | Description


id     | text   |           | extended |              |

stats  | hstore |           | extended |              |

testdb=# select * from test;

        id       |


2b8ea99d60b30 |

(1 row)

So how did you get the above values in?

The only way I could replicate what you show is:

test=> \d hstore_test
    Table "public.hstore_test"
   Column   |  Type   | Modifiers
 id         | integer |
 hstore_fld | hstore  |

test=> insert into hstore_test values (1, hstore('www.ask.com', '{visits=>2.11221003268,pages=>4.22442006537,duration=>197980.836904}'));

test=> select * from hstore_test ;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
id         | 1
hstore_fld | "www.ask.com"=>"{visits=>2.11221003268,pages=>4.22442006537,duration=>197980.836904}"

test=> select (each(hstore_fld)).key,(each(hstore_fld)).value from hstore_test ;
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------------------------------------------------------------
key   | www.ask.com
value | {visits=>2.11221003268,pages=>4.22442006537,duration=>197980.836904}

If that is indeed what you did then you as far as I can tell you do not have a nested hstore. Instead you have a key "www.ask.com" and a string value "{visits=>2.11221003268,pages=>4.22442006537,duration=>197980.836904}"

Where the => in the string value is decoration not functional. If you want nesting then you will need to use the array or JSON types.

Adrian Klaver

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