Am 05.08.2014 um 06:32 schrieb Michael Paquier:
On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Andreas <> wrote:
Is there a way to get a working PG9.3 on a Rasberry?

This seems like a problem inherent to your OS or your RPMs as two
buildfarm machines are Raspberry PIs and are able to run Postgres:
hamster and chipmunk. So I don't see any reason why Postgres would not
run on it. Why don't you give a try to Raspbian? You could even update
their packages to 9.3:

As I mentioned, I have the current Raspian Image which is actually a Debian Wheezy. In the Repository is only PG 8.4 and 9.1.
I'd rather have 9.3 to play with the new features.

I don't see a 9.3 in the link you provided.
Where did you find the upgrade there?


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