On 08/01/2014 06:28 PM, Vik Fearing wrote:
>> So with all this in mind, is there any reason why we can't or shouldn't
>> > allow:
>> > 
>> > CREATE testfunction(test) returns int language sql as $$ select 1; $$;
>> > SELECT testfunction FROM test;
>> > 
>> > That would allow first-class calculated columns.
>> > 
>> > I assume the work is mostly at the parser/grammatical level.  Is there
>> > any reason why supporting that would be a bad idea?
> This is already supported since forever.
> SELECT test.testfunction FROM test;
> This link might be of interest to you:
> http://momjian.us/main/blogs/pgblog/2013.html#April_10_2013

Sorry, that's not the link I wanted.  This one is:

Despite being posted on April 1st, it is not a joke. :)

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