> On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 3:35 AM, <m...@byrney.com> wrote:
>> I have a suggestion for a table checksumming facility within PostgreSQL.
>> The applications are reasonably obvious - detecting changes to tables,
>> validating data migrations, unit testing etc.  A possible algorithm is
>> as
>> follows:
>> 1. For each row of the table, take the binary representations of the
>> values and serialise them to CSV.
>> 2. Calculate the MD5 sum of each CSV-serialised row.
>> 3. XOR the row MD5 sums together.
>> 4. CSV-serialise and MD5 a list of representations (of some sort) of the
>> types of the table's columns and XOR it with the rest.
>> 5. Output the result as the table's checksum.
>> Advantages of this approach:
>> 1. Easily implemented using SPI.
>> 2. Since XOR is commutative and associative, order of ingestion of rows
>> doesn't matter; therefore, unlike some other table checksumming methods,
>> this doesn't need an expensive ORDER BY *.  So, this should be pretty
>> much
>> as fast as a SELECT * FROM, which is probably as fast as a table
>> checksum
>> can be.
>> 3. Using a cursor in SPI, rows can be ingested a few at a time.  So
>> memory
>> footprint is low even for large tables.
>> 4. Output has a convenient fixed size of 128 bits.
>> Questions:
>> 1. Should this be a contrib module which provides a function, or should
>> it
>> be a built-in piece of functionality?
>> 2. Is MD5 too heavyweight for this?  Would using a non-cryptographic
>> checksum be worth the speed boost?
>> 3. Is there a risk of different architectures/versions returning
>> different
>> checksums for tables which could be considered identical?  If so, is
>> this
>> worth worrying about?
> Hmm - Do you really think we need an extension for something that can be
> done using query as simple as:
> select md5(string_agg(md5(c::text), '' order by md5(c::text))) from
> pg_class c;
> (of course you can do it on any table, not only pg_class).
> If you want to use the xor idea (which make sense), all you need is to
> write xor aggregate.
> depesz

This is nice and neat but there are some major disadvantages with this

1. It can't detect differences in types, e.g. converting an INT column to
TEXT will leave the checksum unchanged.
2. The string_agg requires a string with length 32 * (number of rows) to
be created and then MD5ed.  So on a 100m row table that means using 3.2GB
of memory, which seems unnecessarily heavy.
3. You have used an ORDER BY, which adds more memory usage and time cost.
4. The existence of an in-built checksum facility lends some possibility
of a common standard, which is of course a major factor in making a
checksum useful - one can supply a database dump and a list of tables and
"standard" checksums without also supplying sample code.


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