Thanks to Gavin and Martijn for their suggestions. They're both simple good-ol' LCGs, and both avoid the need to check for collisions.
I ultimately went with a multiplicative LCG, like Martijn's, mostly because I understand better how it avoids collisions, so it was easier for me to tweak it in various ways. In particular, I changed the prime number from 899981 to the very lucky prime 900001. This happens to work *perfectly*, because the range of such a generator is p-1, not p. (BTW, Martijn's choice of the "random" 2345 for the multiplier was a somewhat lucky one, since such generators are not full for arbitrary multipliers; for example, the one with modulus 899981 is not full for a multiplier of 3456, say.) I also followed Martijn's pointer regarding the 3-argument form of python's pow function, and implemented a 3-argument pow for PL/PgSQL. I include all the code below, including a snippet borrowed from Gavin's post, and modified here and there. (I'm not very experienced with PL/PgSQL, so please feel free to point out ways in which my PL/PgSQL code can be improved.) First the functions: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pow_mod(bigx bigint, n bigint, m bigint) returns bigint AS $$ DECLARE x bigint; xx bigint; BEGIN IF n = 0 THEN RETURN 1; END IF; x := bigx % m; xx := (x * x) % m; IF n % 2 = 0 THEN RETURN pow_mod(xx, n/2, m); ELSE RETURN (x * pow_mod(xx, (n-1)/2, m)) % m; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql strict immutable; -- "mcg" = "multiplicative congruential generator" CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION mcg_900001(i bigint) returns int AS $$ BEGIN -- CHECK (0 < i AND i < 900001) RETURN 99999 + pow_mod(<INSERT YOUR MULTIPLIER HERE>, i, 900001); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql strict immutable; And here's a small demo: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rtab; DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS rseq; CREATE SEQUENCE rseq; CREATE TABLE rtab ( id int PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT mcg_900001(nextval('rseq')), payload int NOT NULL ); \timing on \\ INSERT INTO rtab (payload) VALUES (generate_series(1, 900000)); \timing off -- Timing is on. -- INSERT 0 900000 -- Time: 201450.781 ms -- Timing is off. SELECT * FROM rtab WHERE 449990 < payload AND payload < 450011; -- id | payload -- --------+--------- -- 539815 | 449991 -- 901731 | 449992 -- 878336 | 449993 -- 564275 | 449994 -- 863664 | 449995 -- 720159 | 449996 -- 987833 | 449997 -- 999471 | 449998 -- 999977 | 449999 -- 999999 | 450000 -- 921739 | 450001 -- 722684 | 450002 -- 596638 | 450003 -- 121592 | 450004 -- 687895 | 450005 -- 477734 | 450006 -- 585988 | 450007 -- 942869 | 450008 -- 175776 | 450009 -- 377207 | 450010 -- (20 rows) kj On Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 4:35 AM, Martijn van Oosterhout <> wrote: > On Fri, Jul 04, 2014 at 09:24:31AM -0400, Kynn Jones wrote: > > I'm looking for a way to implement pseudorandom primary keys in the range > > 100000..999999. > > > > The randomization scheme does not need to be cryptographically strong. > As > > long as it is not easy to figure out in a few minutes it's good enough. > > Well, a trick that produces a not too easy to guess sequence is: > > X(n) = p^n mod q > > where q is prime. Pick the largest prime that will fit, in this case > 899981 (I beleive) and some random p, say 2345. > > Then 100000 + (2345^n) mod 899981 > > should be a sequence fitting your purpose. Unfortunatly, the pow() > function in Postgres can't be used here (too slow and it overflows), > but python has a helpful function: > > In [113]: len( set( pow(2345, n, 899981) for n in range(899981) ) ) > Out[113]: 899980 > > You could probably write an equivalent function in Postgres if > necessary. > > Hope this helps, > -- > Martijn van Oosterhout <> > > He who writes carelessly confesses thereby at the very outset that he > does > > not attach much importance to his own thoughts. > -- Arthur Schopenhauer > > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- > Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) > > iQIVAwUBU7e450vt++dL5i1EAQhwew/9Fps1rkjMl85kAhD4nj9i5Gy+Y6T71vbS > gXkHyJOVHr9r9kT8/1shG8OtTDEIKI1FEjDD5wdkTvj+K//wswPcpCIcj5eJVu5K > 56v8ITYnc3/YeYthoBI829adAreP7kjBAJlB8lENTAbxkdJmRBEGA3KjEnSLj7I/ > pdqlrrbkUq7r/OBFlJYFnv/YXLAFeOWQRAk+Be+UorAUmkrvoA0g7gW4VEFnQ1Qk > k1kTYIEU3HUXVDHUeYTC2jjLj7cFVhYaQ52FA950MzkpkqFAej34gpitcOFC8yf+ > KSglMq4nAFNF6VCU50RwPLjMIXXbHTSYxjJ5n3qYo4CExlg0wBLcmuu25GHc69qP > wEx71lPvXb4yfI3YNNHcH3Cwgl46u5M5Dt2aqWDcr+haAy8Hmhm5zqjTcfpUhyD+ > efi8B512YDr4HoDV6qEKx0MdjHUFptX34L8tjkmnNYQlXj89ATE82lUoTusiIxts > axwJwbjl81cg3ZbtfoWPQ3LXXSRNI0NhIkHX0k2xp3uJ+TX76UmPZYSzQ3M2QrhX > atFCkcE4RqY26zwtxCp27yjnKMsMkEeo4z7JIQKjkwLzHGPavNd2PFV1EfCXNhwz > aDXXZHzwymJjhgP1BH0mXrL6VD0UiQb3RTRH82RpG0MaNBRImcncCAjKlN5UzDur > dwQY8zHxuOQ= > =IJFu > -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- > >