Thanks Francisco for these inputs.  I hadn't considered log shipping as I
knew I didn't want to track changes to all tables (and databases).  Setting
up a local partial mirror is an interesting thought which hadn't crossed my
mind .. I'll giver that some consideration.

Though currently I am thinking to address the problem of generating deltas
at the application level rather than to use postgresql features which are
largely optimized for a slightly different set of circumstances and

Impressive what can be done witha 2400 baud modem when you set your mind to
it.  Fortunately this days are mostly behind us :-)

On 30 June 2014 13:05, Francisco Olarte <> wrote:

> Hi Bob.
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Bob Jolliffe <>
> wrote:
> > What are people's thoughts about a more optimal solution?  I would like
> to
> > use a more incremental approach to replication.  This does not have to
> be a
> > "live" replication .. asynchronously triggering once every 24 hours is
> > sufficient.  Also there are only a subset of tables which are required
> (the
> > rest consist of data which is generated).
> If you only need to replicate once every 24 hours, which means you can
> tolerate lags, you could try log shipping. Instead of sending the wal
> records from master to standby directly just spool them, compress them
> as much as you can ( I would try pglesslog plus an XZ on it's output
> ), and send it once a day. This for the 'incremental part'. For the
> only a subset of tables, you could try to set up a local partial
> mirror using any of the trigger based replication products and then do
> log-shipping of that.
> Also, the logical replication slot stuff added to the latest version
> seems really promissing for this kind of thing, but I'm not familiar
> enough with it to recommend anything.
> Also, depending on your data updating patterns, database sizes and
> other stuff, a trigger based replication approach can save a lot of
> traffic. I mean, if you have records which are heavily updated, but
> only replicate once a day, you can collapse all the day stuff in a
> single update. I once did a similar thing to transmit deltas over a
> 2400bps modem by making daily sorted dumps and sending daily deltas
> with previous day ( it needed a bit of coding, about a couple hundred
> lines, but produced ridiculously small deltas, and with a bit of care
> their application was idempotent, which simplified the recovery on
> errors ).
>    Francisco Olarte.

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