On 7/3/2014 4:01 AM, Arup Rakshit wrote:
Exactly.. I am done. Here is the ORM query :-
def self.employee_learning_by_gender(question_id)
cpd_id = Measure.find_by(option: 'CPD').id
other_id = Measure.find_by(option: 'Others').id
User.select("view.gender, sum(view.participant) as participant,
sum(cpd) as cpd, sum(other) as
[:measure]).group("users.gender, daily_action_answers.measure_id")
.where("((daily_action_answers.day between ? and ?) and
daily_action_answers.daily_action_id = ?)",
Date.today, Date.today.end_of_year,
.select("users.gender, count(*) as participant,
case when daily_action_answers.measure_id = #{cpd_id}
then avg(daily_action_answers.value) end as cpd,
case when daily_action_answers.measure_id = #{other_id}
then avg(daily_action_answers.value) end as other"
), :view).group("view.gender")
OT, but it boggles my mind that anyone thinks thats 'better' than the
straight SQL
john r pierce 37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast
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