>From my understanding of what you're saying, you want all the employees
that have a 5 year, or 10 year anniversary between today and the start of
the current month?

If that is the case, then this is what I came up with:

   to_char(current_date, 'YYYY')::integer - to_char(joining_date::date,
'YYYY')::integer  as milestone,
   joining_date + (current_date - joining_date)  as anniversary_date
from employees
   ((joining_date::date + interval '5 years') >=  to_char(current_date,
'YYYY-MM-1')::date  and (joining_date::date + interval '5 years') <=
   ((joining_date::date + interval '10 years') >=  to_char(current_date,
'YYYY-MM-1')::date  and (joining_date::date + interval '10 years') <=

Once again, excuse any syntax errors.

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 5:15 PM, Arup Rakshit <arupraks...@rocketmail.com>

> On Monday, June 30, 2014 04:52:32 PM Rebecca Clarke wrote:
> > Hi Arup,
> >
> > Two ways come to mind for me. They're pretty much the same as Szymon's,
> > just minus the sample table creation. I would suggest creating a view
> > instead, so you can just select from it whenever you please.
> >
> >
> >  create view vw_employee as
> >    select * from employees
> >    where ((age(joining_date::date) like '5 years%') or
> > (age(joining_date::date) like '10 years%') )
> >
> > or
> >
> >  create view vw_employee as
> >    select * from employees
> >    where
> >       ((to_char(joining_date, 'YYYY-MM') = to_char((now() - interval '5
> > years'), 'YYYY-MM') )
> >    or
> >       (to_char(joining_date, 'YYYY-MM') = to_char((now() - interval '10
> > years'), 'YYYY-MM')))
> >
> Can this query be set up like :-
> Consider the below scenarios :
> Ram completed 5 years on 12/04/2014
> Shyam completed 5 years on 21/04/2014
> Ayan completed 10 years on 12/04/2014
> and so on...
> Now consider the current month is *march*. I have 12 employees. Out of
> which
> above only completed 5 and 10 years. Thus my output should come as
> Name  milestones    when
> Ram     5                12/04/2014
> Shyam  5               21/04/2014
> Ayan    10              12/04/2014
> --
> ================
> Regards,
> Arup Rakshit
> ================
> Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
> Therefore,
> if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not
> smart enough to debug it.
> --Brian Kernighan
> --
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