On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 4:25 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> Patrick Krecker <patr...@judicata.com> writes:
> > Hello everyone -- We received a strange error today on our production
> write
> > master. During a routine maintenance script, we got the following error:
> > "ERROR:  cache lookup failed for aggregate 5953992"
> > I think I found the culprit. We have a cron script that (among other
> > things) recreates the aggregate function array_cat_aggregate()once every
> > minute.
> Um.  Why's it do that?

Well, it's admittedly a hack. The cron script uses the function just after
creating it. It was an easy way of guaranteeing that the database will have
the function when it's necessary. However, I suppose that assumption is
wrong because you have confirmed that aggregate functions are not part of
the snapshot provided by beginning a transaction.

> > My guess is that a) transactions do not guarantee a snapshot of
> > custom functions and b) we got unlucky and the aggregate was deleted
> during
> > the execution of the UPDATE.
> Yeah, there's no guarantee that dropping the aggregate wouldn't leave a
> window for this type of failure.
> 9.4 might be a little better about this because it doesn't use SnapshotNow
> for catalog fetches anymore, but I think you'd still be at some risk.
> > Here is the query that produced the error:
> It'd be more interesting to see what the cron script was doing to the
> aggregate definition.

FWIW the SQL is

DROP AGGREGATE IF EXISTS array_cat_aggregate(anyarray);
CREATE AGGREGATE array_cat_aggregate(anyarray)  (
    SFUNC     = array_cat,
    STYPE     = anyarray,
    INITCOND  = '{}'

Followed by the other statement given in my previous email. But, I think
you've thoroughly answered by question. Thanks!

>                         regards, tom lane

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