Hi all
Please help me here. I am doing the following between master and the backup server using archive_command, I am using O/S - Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga) On backup or secondary server I did the following: 1. Stopped postgres in backup server 2. Removed all walfiles from /walfiles directory 3. Removed all files from pg_xlog/ Went to master/source server: 1. Issue pg_start_backup('label') 2. Performed rsync of cluster directory (nohup rsync -avz /pgsql2/data backupserver:/pgsql2/ > /tmp/rsynccopy.out 2> /tmp/rsynccopy.err & ) 3. Step 2 takes a long time because the database is huge. But during the rsync process many files are getting copied to the backup server landing in /pgsql2/walfiles/ directory which I cleaned up before starting backup in the master server. 4. Once step 3, rsync is done I will run Issue pg_stop_backup(). Then connect to secondary server and remove recovery.done and create recovery.conf file, and remove pid file which got copied from master server. Question I have is After doing step 4, what do I with the files that have been copying as I mentioned in step 3 above or that have been copying during the rsync command. Do I have to copy any walfiles manually after doing step 4 above in the master server? CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE The contents of and attachments to this e-mail are intended for the addressee only, and may contain the confidential information of Argility (Proprietary) Limited and/or its subsidiaries. Any review, use or dissemination thereof by anyone other than the intended addressee is prohibited.If you are not the intended addressee please notify the writer immediately and destroy the e-mail. Argility (Proprietary) Limited and its subsidiaries distance themselves from and accept no liability for unauthorised use of their e-mail facilities or e-mails sent other than strictly for business purposes.