On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 1:23 PM, Vasudevan, Ramya
<ramya.vasude...@classmates.com> wrote:
> Thank you for the response.
> On further investigation, we found out that select statements were happening 
> normally. But DMLs (writes to the DB) were hung for minutes at a time, and 
> some of them went through. And we had 2 checkpoints during this period. 
> Yesterday when we had the issue, we had 759 connections  that were not idle 
> (116 COMMIT, 238 INSERT, UPDATE 176, 57 AUTHENTICATION, 133 BIND). So, it 
> looked like writes (simple inserts and updates) were not happening as fast 
> and caused connections to back up in the DB. So, it didn’t look like any one 
> bad query.
> It almost seems like postgres could not write to the WAL logs.
> We normally have 600-700 connections in the database. Since we migrated lot 
> more applications to this postgres database from oracle, we increased 
> max_connections just as a test to see if we legitimately need to allow more 
> connections or if it is an issue. And quickly realized that we already had a 
> high number (1500)

Be sure to rule out locks -- some operation blocks queries until it
clears then everyone storms in.  It's good idea to count up blocked
queries (select count(*) from pg_locks where waiting) and raise alarms
when you see any accumulation there.


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