On 5/22/2014 12:31 PM, Torsten Förtsch wrote:
That's what I want, to throttle the rate at which WAL is generated by
maintenance operations.

I take it, there is no such thing by now. Would it be a useful addition?

I am not sure if I have the time to implement it. I have had a cursory
look at the code before, just to find out how things work, but never
changed something. What do you think, is it complicated to implement?

I suspect you'd need to A) add some SET variable(s) to control this, and B) have the CREATE INDEX code sleep() some number of milliseconds per N generated blocks of index, this would be akin to what vacuum and autovacuum do now.

john r pierce                                      37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

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