On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Joe Van Dyk <j...@tanga.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday, May 21, 2014, Jeff Janes <jeff.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 1:11 PM, Joe Van Dyk <j...@tanga.com> wrote:
>>> I came across
>>> http://bonesmoses.org/2014/05/14/foreign-keys-are-not-free/
>>> which seems to indicate so.
>>> When I run the following test script, having 50 foreign keys takes
>>> about twice as long to do the update. Is there a reason for that?
>>> Seems like the RI triggers wouldn't have to run on updates if the
>>> value doesn't change.
>> That's kind of a question of definitions.  Perhaps the trigger itself
>> doesn't need to run, but the code that decides whether the trigger needs to
>> run does need to run.  Where do you draw the line around what is the
>> trigger proper and what is just infrastructure?
>> However you wish to define it, change your function so that it actually
>> does change the key field, and see how much slower that is than the
>> behavior where you update the row without updating the key.
> I was expecting that the RI update triggers would have a "when (new.key is
> distinct from old.key)" condition on them, which would mean that the number
> of referencing tables wouldn't matter.

But that condition is checked for each constraint individually, not for all
constraints simultaneously.  A table can be referenced on multiple
combinations of columns, so just one check may not suffice.  I guess the
triggers could be organized into groups of identical firing criteria and
then checked only once per group, but that seems like a pretty obscure
optimization to make.  I don't know how you would reorganize such groupings
in a concurrency safe way when constraints were added or removed.



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