I have a function that loops over a set of ids, calls a function inside the
loop using the current id as the parameter, and adds the result of the
function call to a temp table.

When the loop terminates, the temp table has all the rows from the function
call(s) and it is returned.

I've noticed that the function was taking longer than it should, so I've
used RAISE to write to postgresql log and watch performance with tail -f
What I'm seeing is that the performance drops as the loop progresses. This
is a bit confusing for me due to following reasons:

This database contains synthetic data, so the ids returned by the loop
would point at sets of rows which are repetitions of the same pattern such
as row1, row2, row3 and then again row1, row2, row3 so the loop is not
dealing with changing data size or complexity.

The inner function simply selects a set of rows from source tables, inserts
them into a temp table created by the outer function (where the loop is)
performs joins and returns the result. The inner function deletes all rows
from the temp tables at entry, so the temp table should not be increasing
in size (or so I think)

But something is building up during execution which is leading to increased
times for processing of the same number of records. First the outer
function, then the log file:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.iterate_groups()
--function return type defined here
temp_row RECORD;
    timer TEXT;
    rec_counter INTEGER;
--this temp table matches the function return type

            --nodes temp table
            CREATE TEMP TABLE criterianodes (
              --table 1 to be used by function called from the loop
            ) ON COMMIT DROP;

         --structure temp table
            --table 2 to be used by function called from the loop
          ) ON COMMIT DROP;

RAISE NOTICE 'Starting loop over all documents';
    select timeofday() into timer;
    RAISE NOTICE '%', timer;

    rec_counter := 0;
FOR temp_row in  select distinct id1, id2 from temp_eav_table_global LOOP

    rec_counter := rec_counter + 1;

PERFORM query_instance_graph2(temp_row.id2);

        IF  (rec_counter % 100) = 0 THEN
          RAISE NOTICE '%:', rec_counter;
          select timeofday() into timer;
          RAISE NOTICE '%', timer;
        END IF;

    RETURN query select * from RESULTS_TABLE;
Language 'plpgsql';

log file shows:

NOTICE:  Starting loop over all documents
NOTICE:  Wed May 21 16:18:51.075245 2014 BST
NOTICE:  100:
NOTICE:  Wed May 21 16:19:04.306767 2014 BST
NOTICE:  200:
NOTICE:  Wed May 21 16:19:08.499653 2014 BST
NOTICE:  300:
NOTICE:  Wed May 21 16:19:14.917691 2014 BST
NOTICE:  400:
NOTICE:  Wed May 21 16:19:23.566721 2014 BST
NOTICE:  500:
NOTICE:  Wed May 21 16:19:34.369962 2014 BST
NOTICE:  600:
NOTICE:  Wed May 21 16:19:47.464242 2014 BST
NOTICE:  700:
NOTICE:  Wed May 21 16:20:02.598676 2014 BST
NOTICE:  800:
NOTICE:  Wed May 21 16:20:20.083649 2014 BST

After a while the time between calls gets longer and longer.

I kept the temp tables in the outer function or else I'd have to drop them
at entry to the inner function and it would give an out of shared memory
error (which it did in the previous version of the code) due to locks being
created as table is created and dropped thousands of times.

I'm trying to fit a large computation to a limited memory by using the
cursor (loop) and repeatedly calling the inner function which will operate
with limited data using the temp tables.

What may be building up here? I suspect deleting all rows from the temp
tables is not really deleting them since this is all happening in a
transaction, but it is my uneducated guess only.


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