I downloaded symmetricDS but I did not found any installer
Can any one please help me in this


Best Regards,

*Rajni Baliyan | Database - Consultant*
*ASHNIK PTE. LTD.*101 Cecil Street, #11-11 Tong Eng Building, Singapore
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On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 4:11 AM, Anand Kumar, Karthik <
karthik.anandku...@classmates.com> wrote:

>  We use symmetricDS for this. Works pretty well.
>  http://www.symmetricds.org/
>   From: Serge Fonville <serge.fonvi...@gmail.com>
> Date: Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at 2:49 AM
> To: Geoff Montee <geoff.mon...@gmail.com>
> Cc: Sameer Kumar <sameer.ku...@ashnik.com>, PostgreSQL General Discussion
> Forum <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Oracle to PostgreSQL replication
>   Hi,
>  I need to setup a replication process for continuously replicating
>> changes happening in an Oracle Database to a PostgreSQL database.
>> My Oracle Database is version 11.2 and setup as a cluster with RAC
>> My Postgres database version is 9.2
>> Oracle Database is running in Solaris and PostgreSQL is running on RHEL.
>> Is there any commercial or open source tool available to achieve this?
>  How about EnterpriseDB XDB 
> replication<http://www.enterprisedb.com/products-services-training/products/complementary-enterprisedb-products/xdb-replication-server>
> ?
> Kind regards/met vriendelijke groet,
>  Serge Fonville
>  http://www.sergefonville.nl
> 2014-05-07 11:44 GMT+02:00 Geoff Montee <geoff.mon...@gmail.com>:
>>  On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 12:31 AM, Sameer Kumar 
>> <sameer.ku...@ashnik.com>wrote:
>>>  Hi,
>>>  I need to setup a replication process for continuously replicating
>>> changes happening in an Oracle Database to a PostgreSQL database.
>>>  My Oracle Database is version 11.2 and setup as a cluster with RAC
>>> My Postgres database version is 9.2
>>>  Oracle Database is running in Solaris and PostgreSQL is running on
>>> RHEL.
>>>  Is there any commercial or open source tool available to achieve this?
>>  Continuent's Tungsten Replicator apparently offers Oracle to MySQL
>> replication. There's a wiki page that suggests PostgreSQL support was in
>> development at one time. I'm not sure how far they got, or if they are
>> still working on it.
>>  http://www.continuent.com/solutions/replication
>>  https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Tungsten
>>  Geoff Montee

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