"Andrus" <kobrule...@hot.ee> writes:
>> I looked back at the previous thread you mentioned (bug #7914) and was
>> reminded that we never did understand what was going on in that report.
>> I'm not sure if you are seeing the same thing though.  That user reported
>> that he was able to see pg_dump's memory consumption bloating well beyond
>> what it ought to be (I suppose he was watching the process in whatever
>> Windows' equivalent of ps or top is).  Do you see that?

> This occurs in customer computer which I din't observe.

> I added --inserts  parameter to pg_dump and ssl=false in postgresql.conf 
> file.

> After that backup works OK.

Now that we've identified the actual problem [1], I'm guessing the reason
why --inserts appears to make it go away is that then pg_dump uses a
SELECT which requires more server-side effort than COPY.  So that slows
down the server just a bit, and if the phase of the moon is favorable the
timing no longer results in this buffer-bloat behavior.  But I wouldn't
call that a reliable fix.  You'd be better off applying the patch.

                        regards, tom lane


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