The FreeBSD system is running 9.3, the Windows systems are running
9.2. I am waiting on the output from the other developer.

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 8:46 AM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> David Noel <> writes:
>> Both queries are run from a Java project using the latest JDBC driver.
>> The PostgreSQL Server versions it's being run on are 9.2 and 9.3. The
>> query executes and returns just fine when run on a FreeBSD-based
>> platform, but executes forever when run under Windows.
> Um .. which one is 9.2, and which one is 9.3?  Do you get the same
> plan according to EXPLAIN on both systems?  (Even if you do, let's
> see the EXPLAIN output.  And maybe EXPLAIN ANALYZE, on the system
> where it completes.)
>                         regards, tom lane

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