Hi Adrian,

I don't know the answer to #1. Was that a wildcard search?

As for #2, I should have been more clear, that's not a check that it does
every night.  I just ran that check when it seemed to be down.  It has been
a long time to since I've worked with it, so I didn't correctly recall that
I needed to look for postgresql-9.2 and not just postgresql.   The problem
came up because the nightly process (a Python script that uses psycopg2)
tried to, but couldn't connect to postgresql-9.2 server.

Does that make more sense?

On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 12:08 AM, Adrian Klaver

> On 04/14/2014 08:25 PM, Augori wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> woohoo!
>> service postgresql-9.2 status
>> (pid  9924) is running...
>>    It seems that I was looking for the service by the wrong name, as
>> John guessed correcty.    Also, Tom, it's good to know that the data
>> won't necessarily go away if I need to reinstall at some point.
> Well that still leaves two questions unanswered.
> 1) Why did the postgres process not show up in the ps ax output?
> 2) Why is the nightly process doing a status check on postgresql not
> postgresql-9.2 ?
> From the original post:
> # service postgresql status
> postgresql: unrecognized service
>> thank you so much for the messages from all three of you.  Your rapid
>> responses were very encouraging.
> --
> Adrian Klaver
> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com

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