On 17.4.2014 19:43, Steve Spence wrote:
> Oracle thought it was a good idea to put out a MySQL version, I
> figure there should be some effort to counter that here .....

Really? I found no information about this on oracle.com or mysql.com,
except for a section in the discussion forum with ~20 posts. It's true
that the author is apparently a Senior Software Engineer at Oracle, but
this seems like a his own project. So much regarding the "Oracle
thought" part ...

BTW I doubt the approach "Oracle does X => you should do X too" will be
fruitful here.

> Need a Team lead on this, and I'll collaborate as much as I can on the
> Arduino / Networking side.

I'm a bit confused. What do you mean by "team lead"? I was thinking that
maybe this would be a fun project for the holidays, refreshing my
Arduino-fu. But no way I'm interested in being a TL of anything.

I was messing with the PostgreSQL protocol [1] recently, and writing a
code implementing something like what the mysql connector does would be
quite trivial. A day of work, maybe two if you know networking but not
the protocol.


[1] http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/interactive/protocol.html

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