Hi Steve,

Did you check if your OS allows you to limit memory usage per user /
process basis?

Did you either profiled or debugged it to see what is going on?

When memory consumption grows , Doesn't ever swap out?


On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 10:48 AM, Steve Kehlet <steve.keh...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm running into some scenarios where errant postgres queries are
> consuming all memory and bringing down production boxes. I'm running
> Postgres 9.3.4 on CentOS 5.x VMs under XenServer. My custom config is here:
> https://gist.github.com/skehlet/9984666
> The incidents may be related to reports of an array_agg memory leak, and
> another recent incident seems like it was due to the xpath() function
> provided by --with-xml. There's some more information on the former in my
> post at:
> http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/62587/why-does-this-query-cause-the-postgres-worker-process-to-consume-so-much-memory,
> if it's interesting. I'd like to dig into that further, maybe on another
> thread.
> But for now, the devs are asking me for some way to put a cap on a
> postgres query's total memory consumption. I'm familiar with the available
> settings on the "Resource Consumption" docs (and you can see my settings in
> my gist above, including work_mem turned way down to 1MB for testing), but
> it seems like there are things like Materialize that remain uncappable,
> since they're not constrained by the shared_buffers and work_mem limits.
> For example in my post to dba.stackexchange above, I found by doing a "set
> enable_material=false;" I could stop a particularly nasty query from
> consuming all memory, narrowing the problem somewhat, but that query is one
> we have to live with in the near term.
> With all that laid out, can anyone help with the following questions:
> - Is there any way to set to total memory cap on a worker processes memory
> consumption?
> - Are there other (even undocumented) settings to cap memory usage?
> - Other ideas?
> In the meantime, to stop the bleeding I'm looking into using the postgres
> feature to coerce the OOM killer to kill rogue child processes first (-
> DLINUX_OOM_ADJ). Unfortunately, another setback, even the latest kernel
> on CentOS 5.x doesn't allow non-root processes to write
> to /proc/self/oom_adj, so it isn't working. So I'll either need to patch
> the CentOS kernel and rebuild, move to a newer kernel, or maybe do
> something hacky like run a background process to reassign the oom_adj value
> for all postgres workers found.
> Thanks for any help/ideas!

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