On 04/02/2014 03:11 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 04/02/2014 02:04 PM, Rob Sargent wrote:
On 04/02/2014 02:36 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 04/02/2014 01:14 PM, Rob Sargent wrote:
On 04/02/2014 01:56 PM, Steve Atkins wrote:
Well indeed there are copious LOG/HINT pairs along the lines of
LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently ([8 <= n <=29]
seconds apart)
HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter
and these are during non-load periods. During the COPYs I see
uncountable numbers of
WARNING: pgstat wait timeout
As you guys have probably already concluded, I have some config/tuning
to do.
At a guess some of the problem comes from here:
"The input file and postgres data are on separate disks, but only one
Have you tried moving the input file to the same disk as the server,
to factor out the controller?
I labour under the delusion that it is through the controller one reads
and writes and that there might be some slight advantage to not doing
both against one drive if avoidable. Wrong again?
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