Hi Jeff

I agree with most of your statements.

2014-04-01 4:20 GMT+02:00 Jeff Janes <jeff.ja...@gmail.com>:

> On Sunday, March 30, 2014, Stefan Keller <sfkel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jeff
>> 2013/11/20 Jeff Janes <jeff.ja...@gmail.com>
>>> I don't know what you mean about enhancements in the buffer pool.  For
>>> an in-memory database, there shouldn't be a buffer pool in the first place,
>>> as it is *all* in memory.
>> You are right: In-memory DBs are making buffer-pooling obsolete - except
>> for making data persistent (see below).
> I would be very reluctant to use any database engine which considered disk
> access obsolete.  There will always be a risk where data grows to exceed
> RAM, and where it would be inconvenient to expand RAM fast enough to
> accommodate it.  I've played those games enough with Perl and C in-memory
> systems.  You fight and squeeze to fit the data into RAM, then the data
> size grows 3% and all of our work is for naught.  You can buy more RAM, if
> you have the budget, and the RAM isn't back-ordered for 3 months because
> the factory that makes it had a fire, and if more RAM fits on your
> motherboard, and....

I think there are some use cases where you can plan and foresee how data

>> >
>> > Do you know why it is slow?  I'd give high odds that it would be a
>> specific implementation detail in
>> > the code that is suboptimal, or maybe a design decision of PostGIS,
>> rather than some high level
>> > architectural decision of PostgreSQL.
>> Referring to the application is something you can always say - but
>> shouldn't prevent on enhancing Postgres.
>> Postgres has been enhanced.  Now we need to change osm2pgsql to take
>> advantage of them.  It defines indexes on the tables that are going to be
>> bulk loaded with COPY, which defeats some recent optimizations made to
>> COPY.  The creation of the indexes should be delayed until after the bulk
>> load is done.
>> A further enhancement to Postgres would be would be to automatically
>> defer creation of the indexes when a table is truncated or created within a
>> transaction, so that users get the benefit of the improvement
>> These enhancements to osm2pgsql seem to be reasonable to me. I hope
>> somebody has time to care about.
> I have a fork of osm2pgsql on github which delays the index build until
> the COPY is done.  I'm not really motivated to convince anyone to merge it
> (as my interest is postgresql not osm itself), but if someone wants to pick
> it up, that is fine with me.  It helps somewhat, but it is not a
> game-changer because there are other bigger bottlenecks, at least for HDD
> based systems.
> One of the bigger bottlenecks is building the GIN indexes on the way table
> at the end.  Setting maintenance_work_mem to huge values helps a lot, if
> you can find a safe setting for it considering multiple index builds it
> might be doing (at that point in the load, osm2pgsql's node cache has been
> released, so there is substantial RAM to re-purpose).  It would be better
> for this use if PostgreSQL built the index by using an external sort,
> rather than iterating over the table building maintenance_work_mem sized
> chunks of red-black trees.  The problem there is that osm uses the gin
> index in an odd way (the vast majority of nodes occur in exactly one way,
> with a minority occurring in more than one), and using a disk sort might
> not be ideal for the more common use cases where GIN is used, where a given
> token usually occurs in far more than one document.  So an improvement that
> only improves osm2pgsql and degrades other uses is unlikely to be adopted.
> Another bottleneck is just the raw COPY into the node table.  When that is
> running against an unindexed table which was created in the same
> transaction, I see that osm2pgsql takes about 50% of a CPU to print a
> copy-stream, and postgresql uses about 50% of a CPU to parse that stream
> and insert into the table.  So they add up to about 1 CPU despite the fact
> this a is multiple CPU machine.  So they seem to be playing ping-pong with
> the pipe buffer when in theory they should each by able to run at almost
> full speed.  I don't know how to get it stop playing ping-pong, but I have
> other use cases where this shows up, so trade-off-free solution would be
> nifty.  I suspect that that is more of a kernel issue than either
> postgresql or osm2pgsql.
> You could do the COPY in parallel in multiple threads, but the problem
> there is you can't use the "created in same transaction" optimization to
> avoid WAL overhead.  There is no fix to this without changing PostgreSQL to
> accommodate it, but i have no clear idea how one would do that.  Importing
> a snapshot doesn't seem like it would be enough, as you can only import
> snapshots for reading, not for writing.
> Also, I'm not too sure how seriously to take the goal of optimizing
> osm2pgsql.  Development on it seems to be less than vigorous.  And its
> purpose is to create a database to be used, so wouldn't it make more sense
> to optimize the use, not the creation?  And if you do want to optimize the
> creation, the obvious way to do it so to create the export in a way more
> closely aligned to that need, rather than a generic export.

As long as planet file importtakes about 5 days, I think it's an issue?

>> In the meantime I discussed with HANA users an thought about what makes
>> in-memory dbs special and how to configure Postgres to be an in-memory db.
>> There seem to be two main things which make in-memory dbs special:
>> 1. Index: Having all data in memory there is no need for a default index.
>> A full-table scan "suddenly" becomes the default.
> Surely not.  I would say that full table scans are *already* the default,
> deviated from only if it thinks an index seems to be better.  If you don't
> make an index, it can't seem to be better.  And I don't know of any
> higher-level in-memory language which fails to provide a way to do
> efficient searching into an in-memory structure, usually in the form of
> hash tables or balanced trees.  If "let's seq scan everything as long as it
> is already in memory" is a good idea, why would Perl, Java, Python, etc.
> (not to mention C libraries and the source code of PostgreSQL itself)
> provide ways to do efficient searches in memory?
> The caveat here is you can't make certain constraints without an index.
>  In theory you *could* have an unique constraint without an index to
> support it, but if it were implemented you would probably rapidly learn
> that you don't actually want to do that.

Ok. But at least it seems to me obvious that there is a need for different
index (configurations) since the currently implemented indices are designed
to avoid secondary storage.

>> 2. Persistence: All updates/changes to the db are streamed to disk.
> That is already done through WAL files.  But they are also written to
> memory in their proper location, and then that location is written to disk
> as well in a scattered manner once per checkpoint.   If you suppress
> checkpoints entirely then every time the database is restarted it would
> have to read the entire history of the database since creation from the WAL
> to create the initial in-memory image.  So, how should checkpoints be
> handled?

I have to look up how HANA solves this since that's one of the USPs they
At least the delay checkpoints and accept "small data loss", thats for sure.

>> 3. An increase of data simply needs to be compensated with more memory
>> (since memory became cheap).
> The size of the data seems to increasing at the same rate as the RAM is
> getting cheaper, if not faster.  And the new RAM might need a new
> motherboard, and then a  new power supply, and a new dev environment and
> new test environment and then a new rack to mount them, and then a union
> electrician to wire up the new rack, and then a new data center to hold the
> next new rack.....
> The same could be said for new hard drives, too, but I usually have more
> head room in my hard drives than in my RAM.
>> AFAIK one can configure Postgres for all these properties: One can force
>> the use of full-table scan(?) and replicate to disk(?).
> Yes, already can be done.  Don't build an index, and delay checkpoints as
> long as you dare (1 hour is currently the max, but a simple hack can extend
> that.  Whether you will like the consequences of that is another matter).
>> What do you think about this?
> I think there is no reason to think these changes will do much good.  In
> memory databases usually run as libraries, not as client-server
> infrastructures.  Without that, you already have one hand behind your back.
>  Also, I think they usually map datatypes directly to hardware supported
> types, which is surely faster but would render PostgreSQL's flexible type
> system nonfunctional.  I don't know how they deal with visibility, but I
> have to assume they either compromise on correctness, or limit the amount
> of updating which is possible on the in memory portion.  By the time you do
> that stuff, it isn't clear what would be left anymore of the things that
> make PostgreSQL be PostgreSQL.
>> Are there any show cases out there?
> What did the HANA users have to say?  Seems like they would be in the best
> position to provide the test cases.

Yes, HANA or Oracle TimesTe or H-Store (VoltDB).

> Cheers,
> Jeff

Yours, Stefan

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