And yet I still got it wrong. Bad day for me. Should be:

The difference between the two is the memory it's using.

Bad day apparently.

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 2:46 PM, Edson Richter <>wrote:

>  Em 31/03/2014 17:06, Scott Marlowe escreveu:
> It's not. If the RES shows 1215M And the SHR is 1214M, then checkpointer
> is only using 1M. The difference between the two is the shared memory. RES
> includes SHR.
> Thanks, now I understand.
> Regards,
> Edson
> On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 1:44 PM, Edson Richter 
> <>wrote:
>>  Em 31/03/2014 00:38, Scott Marlowe escreveu:
>> On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 8:43 PM, Edson Richter 
>> <>wrote:
>>>  I'm curious about the "checkpointer" process and its configuration.
>>> What are the configuration options that affects the checkpointer process?
>>> Currently, under load, this process goes up to about 1.2GB of RAM:
>>> --
>>  No it really doesn't. VIRT is every thing it touches whether it uses it
>> individually or with other processes. RES is what THIS process is using all
>> by itself. SHR is what it's accessing of shared memory. Here's a short
>> explanation of what those three values mean:
>>  Also for a more technical one run "man top" and search for RES, SHR,
>> and VIRT
>>  Yes, I understand that. That's why I've asked: why is checkpointer
>> process consuming 1.2Gb of RAM (1215M RES more precisely), and which
>> parameter affects its memory consumption?
>> Thanks,
>> Edson
>> --
>>   *Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter*
>> *Sistemas para Bibliotecas, Escolinhas Infantis Projetos sob medida para
>> sua empresa*  Celular: (51) 9318-9766 <%2851%29%209318-9766>
>> (51) 8585-0796 <%2851%29%208585-0796>  *"A mente que se abre a uma nova
>> ideia jamais voltará ao seu tamanho original"*
>> - Albert Einstein
> --
> To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion.
> --
>   *Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter*
> *Sistemas para Bibliotecas, Escolinhas Infantis Projetos sob medida para
> sua empresa*  Celular: (51) 9318-9766
> (51) 8585-0796  *"A mente que se abre a uma nova ideia jamais voltará ao
> seu tamanho original"*
> - Albert Einstein

To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion.

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