On 31/03/2014 19:38, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:
> Hi, I'm looking for help with this query. 
> Table Tasks:
> IdTask  StatusCode  StatusName
> ----------------------------------
> 1       R           Registered
> 1       S           Started
> 1       D           Dictated
> 1       F           Finished
> 1       T           Transcribed
> ----------------------------------
> 2       R           Registered
> 2       S           Started
> 2       T           Transcribed
> 2       F           Finished
> As you can see, I have a table containing tasks and statuses. What I
> would like to get is the list of tasks, including all of its steps, for
> only those tasks where the StatusCode sequence was S followed by T.

How do you know the sequence in which the statuses occurred? Is there
another column with a timestamp or something?


Raymond O'Donnell :: Galway :: Ireland

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