Hi Chris
I did replace foo and bar tables with my tables, in db2 I have table foo(the one to be updated) and the table bar(the one which has data I got from db1) *From:* ccur...@gmail.com [mailto:ccur...@gmail.com] *On Behalf Of *Chris Curvey *Sent:* Friday, March 28, 2014 1:50 PM *To:* Khangelani Gama *Cc:* pgsql *Subject:* Re: [GENERAL] Synchronizing a table that is in two different databases : Need to dump a table as inserts from db1 and change the insert statements into UPDATE statements On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 5:56 AM, Khangelani Gama <kg...@argility.com> wrote: Hi Chris or anyone who can help When I try this just below, it complains about foo , saying "ERROR: schema "foo" does not exist." I got stuck on this error for a while now but still trying to see why but still no luck so far. If you have something please help begin; update foo set br_desc = bar.br_desc , br_active = bar.br_active (rest of columns) where foo.br_cde = bar.br_cde; you need to replace "foo" and "bar" with the names of your tables. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE The contents of and attachments to this e-mail are intended for the addressee only, and may contain the confidential information of Argility (Proprietary) Limited and/or its subsidiaries. Any review, use or dissemination thereof by anyone other than the intended addressee is prohibited.If you are not the intended addressee please notify the writer immediately and destroy the e-mail. Argility (Proprietary) Limited and its subsidiaries distance themselves from and accept no liability for unauthorised use of their e-mail facilities or e-mails sent other than strictly for business purposes.