Hello again,

Now that the open-source floodgates have been opened, I've been prepping a couple of our applicable projects. This time, I've added this:


It is a very simple PostgreSQL WAL management system that pushes or pulls WAL files from a remote central storage server. It can be used to fully replace archive_command or restore_command in handling WAL archival or recovery.

It's designed to basically force WAL storage on a system that isn't a master or standby server. The primary reasoning is that clusters may have several replicas, so why expect the master to service all of them? Master systems push WAL files to the remote archive, and slaves pull from it; done.

It sets up each newly created clone as a streaming replica. In case of disconnection, it uses restore_command to fetch the remote WAL files to keep the slaves current. Something of a poor-man's self-healing.

Anyway, give it a look. I'll be the one looking over pull requests, so if you have some improvements, I'd be glad to see them.


Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 500 | Chicago IL, 60604


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