On Mon, 17 Mar 2014, Tom Lane wrote:

I'm guessing from those path names that you are using self-compiled
executables, not somebody's packaging?  If the latter, whose?  I'm
confused as to how you got pg_upgrade installed without knowing where it
came from.


  Both were buit with scripts from SlackBuilds.org. The 9.0.5 pg_upgrade in
/opt/postgresql-9.0.5/contrib/ is datestamped Sep 22, 2011; I don't see that
I actually built and installed it or pg_upgrade_support (that's also there
as source, but neither built nor installed). Three-and-a-half years later
I've no recollection from where I downloaded them.

contrib is part of the main PG distribution. The sources for pg_upgrade
would be under contrib/pg_upgrade/ in an unpacked tarball, and
pg_upgrade_support lives next door in contrib/pg_upgrade_support/. If you
did a "make install" in contrib/ that would've installed both.

  A-ha! Running 'pg_upgrade --help' tells me that it is, indeed, installed.
And, it is the version for -9.3.3, too. So, this question's been answered.

That's pretty much the base case. If none of the other options appeal to
you, don't use 'em.

  Nah, nothing looks like I need them.

Much appreciated,


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.          |      Have knowledge, will travel.
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.   |
www.appl-ecosys.com      Voice: 503-667-4517         Fax: 503-667-8863

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