Run both "psql" and "perl" under "strace" and search the output for which
sockets it connects to.
eg,   strace -o /tmp/psql.log psql -Upgsql -dmydatabase -c"select

Add a query into your perl script to perform the following SQL and print
the results:

  select current_database();
  select current_schema();
  select inet_server_addr();
  select current_user;
(and others, see
http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/functions-info.html for more
Do the same from your "psql".  Compare the output.  Are you 110% sure that
you are connecting to the same database, as the same user, and using the
same schema?

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 3:44 PM, Susan Cassidy <
susan.cass...@decisionsciencescorp.com> wrote:

> No, I don't have 2 instances running.  I default the port on the psql
> command line, and the perl program is using 5432, as normal.
> Now, I'm discovering that syslog is no longer logging anything.  I bounced
> it, but to no avail.
> Susan
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 1:34 PM, Rodrigo Gonzalez <
> rjgonzale.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, 13 Mar 2014 13:28:38 -0700
>> Susan Cassidy <susan.cass...@decisionsciencescorp.com> wrote:
>> > No, it is connecting to localhost, which is the same system I am
>> > running psql on.
>> >
>> > Susan
>> >
>> Well, if one query is logged and the other one is not it means that it
>> is running against different servers (as far as I understand
>> logging)....
>> Maybe psql is connecting using one socket and perl using another one?
>> maybe you have 2 instances running?

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