> On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 6:23 PM, James Harper
> <james.har...@bendigoit.com.au> wrote:
> > I see that I can use PQgetResult to get results from an async query, and 
> > this
> allows for multiple results, presumably when the query is like "SELECT 123,
> 456; SELECT 'ABC', 'DEF';". Is there a way for a C function, using SPI, to 
> send
> result sets without waiting for completion and returning a potentially huge
> set of results right at the end of the function?
> >
> > Failing that, is there a way for a C function to send to STDOUT in the same
> way that a COPY (...) TO STDOUT would?
> Why does this have to be an SPI function?  Maybe a little more context
> here would help.

I'm working on an application to accept TDS (Microsoft SQL Server) connections 
and proxy them to postgres. MSSQL does things a little differently, for 
instance in addition to a functions it has stored procedures that can contain 
multiple select statement that return results to clients.

I'm building against 9.3 at the moment, and my code is external to the postgres 
process and using libpq connections, but I noticed that 9.4 allows dynamic 
backend worker processes which would allow my code to run server side and spawn 
a process for each TDS connection.

I've worked around the multiple results issue by running the stored procedure 
outside of my custom language, which allows me to return the results as they 
happen. I had the idea that I could use COPY ... STDOUT to emulate the return 
of results, but that would have had too many shortcomings anyway.



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