Hi Peter, Thanks for your reply. I Complied xlogdump successfully with Pg-9.2 and now i am using it to parse EDB's pg_xlog files and i am able to do that. Below are the details :
[cur:1835/26FAE218, xid:471303469, rmid:9(Heap2), len/tot_len:24/6900, info:24, prev:1835/26FAD6D8] bkpblock[1]: s/d/r:1663/1228184/*1363132*blk:58795 hole_off/len:396/1372 [cur:1835/26FAFD10, xid:471303469, rmid:10(Heap), len/tot_len:26/58, info:96, prev:1835/26FAE218] lock exclusive: s/d/r:1663/1228184/1363132 block 58795 off 48 [cur:1835/26FAFD50, xid:471303469, rmid:10(Heap), len/tot_len:314/346, info:32, prev:1835/26FAFD10] update: s/d/r:1663/1228184/1363132 block 58795 off 48 to block 58795 off 49 [cur:1835/26FAFEB0, xid:471303469, rmid:11(Btree), len/tot_len:34/66, info:0, prev:1835/26FAFD50] insert_leaf: s/d/r:1663/1228184/1363154 tid 13880/179 [page:2008, xlp_info:5, xlp_tli:1, xlp_pageaddr:1835/26FB0000] XLP_FIRST_IS_CONTRECORD XLP_BKP_REMOVABLE [cur:1835/26FAFEF8, xid:471303469, rmid:11(Btree), len/tot_len:18/5754, info:8, prev:1835/26FAFEB0] insert_leaf: s/d/r:1663/1228184/1363155 tid 28366/20 [cur:1835/26FB1988, xid:471303469, rmid:11(Btree), len/tot_len:34/66, info:0, prev:1835/26FB15C8] insert_leaf: s/d/r:1663/1228184/1363154 tid 13880/180 [cur:1835/26FEBD58, xid:471303469, rmid:11(Btree), len/tot_len:50/82, info:0, prev:1835/26FEB9B0] insert_leaf: s/d/r:1663/1228184/*5144337* tid 3491/103 [cur:1835/26FEBDB0, xid:471303469, rmid:11(Btree), len/tot_len:34/66, info:0, prev:1835/26FEBD58] insert_leaf: s/d/r:1663/1228184/*5144339* tid 76/328 [cur:1835/26FB19D0, xid:471303469, rmid:11(Btree), len/tot_len:18/5070, info:8, prev:1835/26FB1988] bkpblock[1]: s/d/r:1663/1228184/1363155 blk:38821 hole_off/len:108/3196 [page:2010, xlp_info:5, xlp_tli:1, xlp_pageaddr:1835/26FB4000] XLP_FIRST_IS_CONTRECORD XLP_BKP_REMOVABLE [cur:1835/26FB2DB8, xid:471303469, rmid:9(Heap2), len/tot_len:24/6704, info:24, prev:1835/26FB19D0] clean: s/d/r:1663/1228184/1363132 block:49662 redirected/dead/unused:0/2/0 removed xid:471257627 Is dere any document where i can co-relate this tid with relations/indexes in the database. I tried but not able to find :- wap_prod_adserve=# SELECT relname, oid FROM pg_class where oid=1363155 ; relname | oid ---------+----- (0 rows) wap_prod_adserve=# SELECT relname, oid FROM pg_class where oid=1363154; relname | oid ---------+----- (0 rows) wap_prod_adserve=# SELECT relname, oid FROM pg_class where oid=5144339; relname | oid ---------+----- (0 rows) I just want to know the reason of too much xlog file generation. Thanks