Hi there

Having spent about 2 hours trying to solve a simple problem, I think it might 
be worthwhile to record my efforts.  Perhaps someone can point out how 
extremely silly I have been… or is the documentation lacking?

My original question was: where is the system-wide psqlrc file located?

Some material on the web suggests that this is ~postgres/.psqlrc but this not 
true, this is just the postgres user’s user-specific config file.

I tried putting it alongside pg_hba.conf etc but that didn’t work.

The psqlrc.sample file contains the wording “Copy this to your sysconf 
directory (typically /usr/local/pqsql/etc) …”  but that directory doesn’t exist 
on either of my target systems!  (I’m using postgres 9.1 on Ubuntu and Mac OS 

As a last resort (which surely shouldn’t be necessary) on the Ubuntu system I 

strings /usr/bin/psql | grep -i sysconf

$ENV{'PGSYSCONFDIR'} = '/etc/postgresql-common' if !$ENV{'PGSYSCONFDIR’};

So that’s where it needs to be: /etc/postgresql-common/psqlrc

I’ve still no clue for Mac OS X however, since the same trick only finds a 
placeholder :( :

strings /Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/MacOS/bin/psql | grep -i sysconf


Hope this saves somebody some time.

John Sutton

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