Hi Nelson:

On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 7:14 PM, Nelson Green <nelsongree...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My apologies, I was not completely clear. I will not know any of the columns
> in advance. The most recent insert is the result of user input from a web
> form, so I won't know what project or what user generated the last insert.
> That was why I wandered if that information was stored anywhere in the
> system.

You mean someone already inserted a (project, user, sequence) tuple
and you need it? So the problem of calculating the last sequence for a
given ( p, u ) combination has been solved by the inserting web form
and you just need to communicate the result to another process ?

It seems what you need is an auxiliary log table ( serial + (P,U,S) )
which could be managed by a trigger, or made the web form do the
modifications using a procedure. Anyway, a lot more detail will be
needed to solve this.

Francisco Olarte.

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