On 01/04/2014 06:41 PM, zach cruise wrote:

CCing list:
     So is there anything in the Windows system logs?

     > looks like file system level backups don't work well on windows
     because they get corrupted during transfer.

Whoa, how did we get to that conclusion?

 > as a safety, i had also renamed old data-b. when copying old data-b
from the network didn't work, i renamed it back. and that worked.

Well all that proves is that there is some difference between the data directories. That could be corruption, it could be something else.

Since we are on the subject of corruption and this is Windows, do you have anti-virus software running on these machines?

If so, is it pointed at the directories in question?

 > do you (or others) have a fix for how to guarantee file system level
backups on windows?

Adrian Klaver

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