On 12/31/2013 01:09 PM, John R Pierce wrote:
On 12/31/2013 12:45 PM, peterlen wrote:
PostgreSQL has a geometric data type of "point". The format is listed
as (x,
y) but I am not sure if the X is to represent latitude or longitude.
I have
seen different systems that us X for either. Typically, coordinates
be read as lat/long but I have seen the opposite as well. An example
in the
help docs listed a point coordinate as x= longitude and y=latitude. Can
someone clarify what the postgres standard is? What this will come
down to
is how built-in geospatial functions will interpret the point value.
point is just x,y, it doesn't understand the spherical lat/long math
(unless you install PostGIS and use its Geometry types which are fully
aware of spherical coords), that said, Latitude is generally used as X
(left/right, aka east/west), while Longitude is Y (up/down aka north/south)
I thought it was the other way around?
Adrian Klaver
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